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Emerald Beach Financial

Cannabis-Related Banking Services

Get a dedicated banking partner to help your cannabis-related business bank safely – and in compliance.

Book an Appointment

A new way to manage your business banking!

BizLink247, Business Banking is launching April 4, 2024! We’re here for you. To assist with your switch, contact us directly at 310.374.3436, option 5, or email

BizLink247 Login

Support for Cannabis Entrepreneurs

Established in 2018 as a subsidiary of South Bay Credit Union, Emerald Beach Financial understands the unique needs and challenges faced by businesses in the cannabis industry. Cannabis entrepreneurs can access compliant financial solutions including business debit cards and checks, secure online banking with bill pay, and specialized cash handling.

Business debit cards and checks

Secure online banking = bill pay



Whether you have an existing cannabis-related business or are just getting started in the cannabis industry, Emerald Beach Financial offers accounts insured by American Share Insurance of up to $250,000 per person, per account, and secure banking services to help your business:

Reduce its exposure to legal, operational, and regulatory risks

Reduce its exposure to legal, operational, and regulatory risks

Stay compliant with state laws

Stay compliant with state laws

Increase efficiency with smart banking tools

Increase efficiency with smart banking tools

Accessible – and Affordable

Emerald Beach Financial offers competitive pricing with a flat fee, so members in the cannabis industry know in advance what they’ll pay each month. Services include:

Electronic receivables and payables

Electronic receivables and payables

Treasury solutions to optimize cash flow

Treasury solutions to optimize cash flow

Secure armored cash pickup

Secure armored cash pickup

Accessible – and Affordable

Superior Service

Superior Service

The knowledgeable team at Emerald Beach Financial is proud to provide exceptional customer service to its members as they continue to support the growing demand for cannabis-related banking solutions.

Share Certificate Exclusive Offer

We've customized a savings product just for you! As a member of Emerald Beach Financial, we're offering an exclusive share certificate for 18 months at 4.20% APY*. This promotional rate is too high to pass up.To take advantage of this offer, please contact us direct at, or call 310.374.3436, option 4.

Share Certificate Exclusive Offer
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. The advertised promotional rate is accurate as of the date listed above and is subject to change without notice. Call us at 310.374.3436, option 4, for current rate information. The promotional share certificate term of 18 months will auto-renew at a 12-month term at the current 12-month term share certificate rate unless otherwise adjusted prior to maturity. Available only to Emerald Beach Financial members.The minimum balance required to open and maintain each Term Share (Certificate) Account is as set forth above. The minimum balance required to open and maintain each Term Share (Certificate) Account opened as a Traditional is as set forth above. The minimum balance required to earn the disclosed APY for each Term Share (Certificate) Account is $1,000.00. For purposes of this disclosure, such Dividend Rates and APYs were offered within the most recent seven (7) calendar days and were accurate as of the last date as set forth above. Please call 310.374.3436 to obtain current rate information for such accounts. Dividends are paid from current and available earnings after required transfers to reserves at the end of a dividend period. A substantial penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. The applicable Dividend Rate and APY as set forth above for each Term Share (Certificate) Account will be paid for the length of the term listed. Fees and other conditions could reduce earnings on any of the listed accounts as set forth in the Credit Union’s Account Agreement and Truth-In-Savings Disclosure.

Order Emerald Beach Checks

Easily order checks for your cannabis-related business online.

Get Support Every Step of the Way

Contact Emerald Beach Financial to give your cannabis-related business the support it needs to flourish. Appointments are required for all new account inquiries.